CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Danielle Kang. 3-under on the day. Very solid round. What were some of the keys out there?

DANIELLE KANG: We haven't played greens this fast in a while. I haven't. So dialing in the speed was crucial for me.

So that's what did I and made a lot of five-, six-footers. Course is really tough so I think that really helped keep the scoring going.

Q. It is a tough course. What were some of the things you were working on coming into this event?

DANIELLE KANG: I always work on my driver just to try and stay in play.

It was rough coming down the stretch, but I trusted my short game and it held up and kept my score going.

I just have my friend on the bag, so he is constantly telling me to stay positive, and if I put myself in a difficult situation he just says, just work from here.

It's been really positive.

Q. Not a lot of separation at the top. What's the mindset heading into tomorrow knowing anyone can take the lead or be at the top of this thing tomorrow?

DANIELLE KANG: I mean, you don't win a golf tournament on a Friday so I don't think it really matters. I haven't looked at the leaderboard because you don't win on a Thursday either.

So I'm just trying to focus on my game and play the way I want to play and get back into playing good. Not my thought process.

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