CPKC Women's Open

Friday, August 25, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Linn Grant

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Linn, three birdies on the card is better than none. Walk us through today's day here on the second day of the CPKC Women's Open.

LINN GRANT: Bit similar to yesterday. Feel like I actually hit the ball better today. Just didn't get the same momentum as yesterday.

Yeah, still a tricky course. Still some good golf, but not quite there.

Q. What was working well on those birdie holes?

LINN GRANT: Just couple of (indiscernible), but probably putter. I'm putting really well. Even though I'm hitting the ball not as close as I would like, I'm still putting very well.

Q. When you're not able to kind of ride the momentum as similar to yesterday, what do you dig down and kind of ride off instead?

LINN GRANT: Just patience. Just kind of go with the flow off that. They got to come sometime, so if it's today or tomorrow or Sunday doesn't really matter. Just got to be confident and patient.

Q. How did the course play differently today compared to yesterday?

LINN GRANT: Less windy for us I think, otherwise very similar. A bit wet this morning but very similar to yesterday.

Q. Seems like there is more fans out today. Does that make a difference for you in terms of just -- apart from the gallery and getting more cheers?

LINN GRANT: Absolutely. It's really nice to play when there is a lot of people watching and cheering you on. When you can't see the blind shots it's kind of nice to get some sort of knowledge of where they are.

Q. Is this the kind of course you like to play?

LINN GRANT: I don't know. I like the course. I think it's great. I like courses that requires good golf.

Q. Does this remind you of any other courses you played before?

LINN GRANT: I don't think so.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

LINN GRANT: Yeah. Yeah, you know, with big trees, tree lined, some tricky greens. I think it's a great golf course.

Q. Have you noticed the smoke at all today?

LINN GRANT: No, except for we can't see the sky. Otherwise I think it's fine.

Q. How much do you think about when you see yourself up there on the top of the leaderboard just the win you had a few months ago? I know obviously these courses are two different courses, Highland Meadows and Shaughnessy, but do you ever think about kind of seeing your name up there as you've gone through these last couple of months in contention?

LINN GRANT: I mean, I would like to see my name up there. That's what I play for, so obviously just try to get used to that feeling more and more because that's where I want to be.

Q. What will the next 24 hours look like for you?

LINN GRANT: Have lunch, I'm going to go to the gym, rest, and see what my tee time is and prepare after that.

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