CPKC Women's Open

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Sei Young Kim


Q. Sei Young, pleasure following you today. You tied for the lowest round of the day. Did you realize when you were warming up that you were going to have such a good day today?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Not really. I just want to better than yesterday, so when I warm up I just played more relax, and then, yeah, but I feel like a little tight in my body so I just, yeah, trying to more stretch.

Yeah, that's what I'm doing.

Q. You had a couple really great shots today. One on the 8th hole where you had a hole in one.


Q. Talk us through that shot.

SEI YOUNG KIM: To the pin I got 160 meter. I hit took 5-iron. I hit the really solid shot. It looks like really beautiful ball flight. I was like, yeah, that must be good, but people are like loud and they all clap and so I was like that might be got in the hole.

So that is second hole in one in my life, yeah.

Q. Only the second one. Best of luck more tomorrow.

SEI YOUNG KIM: Thank you. Appreciate.

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