CPKC Women's Open

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Hannah Green. Overall, as you walk away from this fourth day, how are you feeling?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I'm feeling good. I played good today. I hit the ball much better which is good, because yesterday I really scrambled. Didn't hit many fairways at all and was trying to hit as many greens as possible; not really trying to hit it close.

So today I had that opportunity which was nice. Didn't really read the greens as well as I did the first few days. Overall, really happy with my result.

Q. Nice little eagle on the card there. What was working so well on that hole?

HANNAH GREEN: Funny, I was thinking about laying up because I wasn't really comfortable with the second shot. Hit it to the right but I thought it was going to be in the rough, and it ended up in the bunker. I almost holed a bunker shot yesterday so felt pretty confident.

For it to roll in was really nice because I hadn't holed anything longer than a three-footer all day.

Q. A nice little relief there. The 17th, felt like we almost just saw an ace on that one. What was working well for you there?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I was second to hit on that tee box and I so you Jeongeun Lee hit 8-iron as well, and I don't think she quite hit it that well, but I knew I really needed to hit it well, and I actually thinned it. Because I thinned it it bounced up onto the green.

I have to claim that I didn't hit it that great but the result was obviously very nice to be able to have a three-footer for birdie.

Had a nice opportunity to look at birdie on that last, but unfortunately didn't get it to fall.

It's fine. I'm annoyed, but...

Q. Overall a solid finish here at the CPKC Women's Open. Just what has your experience been like the past four days and how much is this confidence boost going into a place that you know very, very well next week?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, this is a great event. Playing Shaughnessy, it's obviously a really great golf course. We feel very honored to be on this golf course.

It's a challenging one, as you can see by the scoring. Nothing particularly low so it makes you think a little bit. Compared to what course was like on Monday to today it was very different, so it was getting fast, getting quite hard.

So it was good. I really enjoy that type of golf. It's nice to find some form after a rough month I guess you could say going into a tournament that's very fondly in my heart.

Q. I was going to say, how excited are you to get back to Portland?

HANNAH GREEN: Very excited, because even after Portland I'm going to Perth so very, very excited. I'll be at Proud Mary most days I would say.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136219-1-1041 2023-08-28 01:32:00 GMT

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