CPKC Women's Open

Friday, July 26, 2024

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Lilia Vu


Q. You're talking about major championships, and very quickly you have become a force in major championships. This golf course is playing like major championship golf. Talk about the conditions out there.

LILIA VU: Definitely. It was super tough today and yesterday. I think it kind of narrows your mind down. You have to play one shot at a time. Can't really think too far ahead.

Today I had to almost try to land 20 yards right of the fairway to hit the fairway, so it's definitely difficult conditions out here. The pins aren't easy. It's a very tree-lined golf course and lots of wind and undulations everywhere.

Q. They talk about the ability to learn how to play in a golf tournament from a champion's perspective. We saw that today. Double bogey at the 13th. You're looking the other way, but you're patient. Talk about the key and you staying patient the rest of the round.

LILIA VU: In my mindset I think every hole is a birdie opportunity, so I wasn't too upset about that double. It was definitely couple mistakes put together, but I knew there were birdie holes out there. Just needed to play my game.

Q. We were talking about your back and the back injury. Everything is good, but is it a maintenance thing or something you have to watch from recurring?

LILIA VU: I think it's a maintenance thing. I live the way I live now, just more conscious about the way I walk, sit, stand. Everything matters. I live in the situation now and I think that will protect my back.

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