Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, June 2, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Marina Alex

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Marina Alex. The low round of the week, one of them, 8-under.


Q. Didn't know if you knew that. What's your reaction to that? How did you play Liberty National so well this week?

MARINA ALEX: Well, I played as horribly as I could play it yesterday, so I think I learned every place not to be and just -- it's a tricky course, and honestly, I just think that I -- it required on my end probably a little bit more prep going into yesterday.

I made some dumb decisions off tees that cost me like a bunch of shots. I learned from that today and then I just kind of got off to a really good, solid start, and luckily the momentum just kept going in my favor.

So, yeah.

Q. What was the highlight of the round, would you say?

MARINA ALEX: I mean, the whole back stretch, which was the front nine, was amazing. I mean, I putted so good. I'm really proud of the -- I made three birdies in a row there on 6, 7, and 8, which were my -- you know, my last four holes.

I mean, couldn't have been happier with that.

Then an amazing par on 9.

Q. Making the weekend in your home state --


Q. -- how amazing does that feel? What is the support going to be?

MARINA ALEX: It's going to be great. I was so disappointed yesterday. Playing so close to home it's pretty gut wrenching to put a score like that up there.

So, I mean, couldn't have asked for a better back up to that.

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