Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, June 2, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Jin Young Ko

Quick Quotes

JIN YOUNG KO: Okay, here's Jin Young Ko after second round. I feel, yeah, I play really well today.

I worried about not finish today, but we finish so I think I'm so lucky to finish, and I'm going to go get great sleep and then I'm looking forward the weekend.

Q. What is the best part of your round today? Putting? Ball striking?

JIN YOUNG KO: Everything. Everything was good. Yesterday was good, too, but putt was trader for me. So putter was trader for me, so I practiced a little bit last night, and, yeah, I had like A game, so I'm happy with it.

Q. This course, what's hard about it? What's easy about it? What have you been learning throughout the week?

JIN YOUNG KO: This course is not easy. If hit like tee shots wrong everything going to be hard to left -- to hit some greens.

So if hits really well it's going to be easy course, yeah.

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