Mizuho Americas Open

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Yana Wilson


Q. I'm just imagining that you are truly elated to be the inaugural winner of the AJGA portion of this Mizuho Americas Open.

It was such a unique tournament to bring to the forefront and you are the champion, first champion. What does this moment mean to you?

YANA WILSON: It really means a lot. I mean, ever since the tournament kind of announced that it was going to happen I was just super excited to even play in it.

Now I'm the winner, so it's super cool. And to win alongside whoever is going to win in this is pretty cool.

Q. You just told me a little bit ago that you were so nervous yesterday when you tee'd it up for the first time alongside Minjee Lee who's one of your idols, and Cheyenne Knight in the final group, and then you played in the second to last group. What was that moment like stepping up on that tee? And you roasted it by the way. You hit a perfect tee shot.

YANA WILSON: Yeah, no, not every single day you get to play your favorite pro, so I think it was a really cool opportunity for me. Just nothing like it.

Today I was a little bit less nervous, kind of learning from what I did yesterday, kind of taking that on to today, and just kind of went with the flow more today.

Q. You've won a lot of junior golf tournaments. You are the reining U.S. Girls Junior champ; you're going to be playing in the U.S. Open at Pebble Beach later this summer. Where does this win and this whole week in general rank for you with your experience thus far in golf?

YANA WILSON: It's definitely up there. Playing with the pros is just super cool in general. I think that added a lot of pressure to a lot of us, juniors, so I feel like it was really cool whoever got to like handle it, I guess.

Yeah, no, this definitely has to be one of my better wins.

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