Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, May 17, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

So Mi Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with So Mi Lee, clubhouse leader right now at the Mizuho Americas Open. Yesterday around this time you had just tee'd off and now you're the leader. How are you feeling after all the craziness of yesterday?

SO MI LEE: I was appreciated to play that game and the result second place, but also I get the place the top of the leaderboard, so I can't explain anything.

It's very appreciated everything.

Q. What did your preparation look like this morning? I know you were here early yesterday as well.

SO MI LEE: It's different from yesterday. Today I could do all routines that I always did, so it was just -- everything was kind of appreciated. Yeah, so mindset was like I'm so appreciate of everything.

Yeah, that's all.

Q. How did your father react when you told him he was fired as your caddie?

SO MI LEE: My father said, it's over. My first and my last. My last caddie ever, is and he was very tired. It was my last. Do what you want with another caddie.

Q. You have won in Korea. You're now in position to win. Can you draw on that experience to get you through the last two rounds?

SO MI LEE: Yeah, I had experience of playing the first two rounds at the top, and when I played the game in the champion group, it's very great and appreciate always. Yeah.

Q. Finally, you bogeyed your first hole. Did that kind of wake you up and get you refocused?

SO MI LEE: Not actually. I hit two bogeys yesterday, so not just -- I don't want to ruin the things because of the first bogey today, so I just think like positive always today. Yeah.

Q. One last question: This is your rookie season obviously. How would you say your game has been overall this season just in general?

SO MI LEE: I am feeling that everything of growing something in my mind and my playing, so -- and all players in LPGA is so great, so if I compete with them always, I can grow more and more, yeah.

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