Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, May 17, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Elise Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Elise after her second round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Another solid round today. Near the top of the leaderboard. Talk about how you felt like today went.

ELISE LEE: I struggled a bit in the beginning. I think it was pressure, but I think I got it back around. My caddie said some encouraging words and I was able to make more putts.

Q. How would today's round compare to yesterday?

ELISE LEE: Yesterday was a lot less stressful, but today I think near the end, as putts dropped more, I was able to get more calm and make more putts.

Q. And why do you think you put a little more pressure on yourself today compared to yesterday?

ELISE LEE: Well, there is definitely like the leaderboard factor to it, so I think that was the big part of it.

Q. And what are you looking forward to most over the next few days?

ELISE LEE: I think playing with the pros.

Q. Yeah.

ELISE LEE: That's the most exciting factor of this tournament, too.

Q. What did you do to wrap up yesterday after we saw you in here?

ELISE LEE: I took a salt bath.

Q. Nice.

ELISE LEE: I was very tired. Ate, slept early, got up early this morning, did some stretches, and I was out on the first tee.

Q. Nice. Lastly, you said it was your birthday. Happy birthday today.

ELISE LEE: Thank you.

Q. Anything you're doing to celebrate?

ELISE LEE: Probably going to go to a steakhouse, eat some good food, yeah.

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