Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, May 17, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Jin Young Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm here with Jin Young Ko after her second round at the Mizuho. Just talk about how you feel like you played out there.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I mean, it was really chilly in the morning, and I weared like rain pants and rain jacket on top. It's supposed to be like the wind is less than yesterday, but it wasn't, so we played really like hard.

But I played really well, and, I mean, I focused myself and I really wanted to focus my like process. So doesn't matter how outcome comes out. Yeah, pretty good.

Q. And you moved up the leaderboard a little bit there. What do you like about this course?

JIN YOUNG KO: I mean, yeah, I mean, this week is little tough than last year, yeah. Weather was like so much colder than last year and greens are little soft, but, yeah, still like little tricky holes we have.

But we need to focus myself. I need to, yeah.

Q. And I was just going to ask, too, do you know So Mi at all? We're still trying to learn a little bit about her. She's a rookie. Didn't know if you played with her before on the KLPGA.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I mean, personally we haven't play much because when I'm playing here and she just debut on KLPGA, so we was little cross to debut.

So I think I played twice with her. And she's rookie and I heard she struggle on this tour and she wants to left this tour. But, yeah, she play really well the first two round, and I hope she play really well two more round, too.


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