Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Bianca Pagdanganan

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Bianca after her 6-under round today. A lot of birdies on the scorecard. Just talk about the day you had.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I have no idea. I feel like I blacked out. I just -- my putting felt really good. I was a little bit frustrated about yesterday's round, so tried to make sure that I kind of got the speed right this morning when I was warming up.

I knew that I was hitting it good, so I guess like for today -- I guess it's the same as the first round where I just really tried to take advantage of all the shots that I hit close. I think I did a pretty good job. Aside from making the short putts, I also made couple long ones and definitely took advantage of the par-5s, so that helped a lot.

Q. Anything you did after yesterday's round to reset? I know you said this morning you went back to some drills.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I got tacos. Nothing serious really. I tried to get -- like once I leave the golf course, I try to leave everything there. I try. I try.

So I tried to get a good meal. I got tacos and ice cream afterwards. I guess that helped.

Q. I kind of remember you talking about that last year at CME and when you made that jump into the 100 there. Is that something you have kept with, kind of leaving everything on the golf course when you leave? You have found other hobbies, too, right, outside of golf?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Yeah, I think I just try -- yeah, keep the same mindset. I feel like I really can't let everything revolve around what happens on the golf course. I can't let that affect my day whatsoever.

Sure, I can feel frustrated about it. I let myself feel those things. But it's like once I leave, that's it. We're leaving it up there. I find something else to do to brighten up your day.

Q. How do you think being in this place with amazing views, we have a ferry to take back to the hotel, maybe helps with that?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I feel spoiled. I'm like, hey, how do you get to the golf course? Oh, I'm taking the ferry. Just seeing the Statue of Liberty.

It's kind of nice. It's like a walk in the park kind of deal. You're like walking down the fairway and you see the skyline. Like where else can you get those types of views.

So I think just savoring the moment and just each shot and basically the walk.

Q. Where did you get tacos and where did you get ice cream? I know these are hard pressing questions.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Honestly, Los Tacos and Van Leeuwen ice cream.

Q. What's your Van Leeuwen's flavor?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Yesterday I tried the peanut butter with honeycomb. It was pretty good. I tried the vegan ice cream. I never get those but I was like, why not, it's right there.

It's funny because I ran into Maria at Los Tacos, and I looked at her and I was like, are they actually really good or are people just -- she was like no, no, no. They're really good. I was like, okay, good, because I've always thought these were like the greatest tacos I've ever had.

But it's up there. I wouldn't say greatest. It's definitely up there.

Q. Back to that mentality, is that a maturity thing that you've had to learn over the past few years being a professional golfer, or is that something you've always done pretty naturally you feel like?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I would definitely say maturity. I kind of take the time to just sit down and reflect at the end of each year and look at what I could have done differently or what I should do in the next season.

I feel like reflecting on last year, I felt like I tried to make golf like everything. I wanted to feel passionate about it. I think I realized that being passionate about it isn't making it your whole life.

Again, I tried to find other things to do just so when I get to the golf course I look forward to playing golf and competing.

So it's definitely maturity kind of thing. This is my fifth year on tour and it feels like every single year I still continue to learn something new about myself and my game.

Q. Playing pretty well so far this season. Obviously there is a big competition in August that everybody wants to be a part of with the Olympics. For you playing so well, you're 37th in the rankings right now. How good does it feel to be in a secure spot and how much are you thinking about the Olympics? Are you thinking about it at all when you're playing golf?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I try not to think about it. I feel like I might stress myself out a little too much. Everyone keeps telling me like, oh, you're playing in Paris. I'm like, let's not -- like I'm going to speak it into existence. I am going to throw it out there. Like yes, I want to play in the Olympics. I want to represent my country. I love representing the Philippines, playing for the Philippines.

I guess if I keep playing how I'm playing it'll stay there. Just kind of going with the flow kind of deal.

Q. Obviously going with the flow today; got one more day here at Liberty National, so let's focus on what's ahead. For you to have a good round on a moving day, what does that do for your confidence heading into a final round where you'll be chasing?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Felt really good. I know I shouldn't believe dwelling on yesterday's round, but I felt like I wasted a lot of opportunities. I was like, you know what? Tomorrow I'm going to give myself the same ones and take advantage of that.

That's what I tried to do. I was like, we're going to put the "move" in "moving day." Yeah, we're going to do that. I'm glad I did.

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144250-1-1041 2024-05-18 17:46:00 GMT

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