Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

In Gee Chun

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm here with In Gee Chun after her third round. In Gee, Kent wanted to ask what the injury was that made you withdraw from Blue Bay, and how the recovery of that injury is going?

IN GEE CHUN: It just inflammation on my back, so I'm trying recovering my back as much as I can. But during this season it's hard to like fully recover it, but I did all effort with my osteo as well. I think I feel getting better every day.

And then trying to make a good focus on the U.S. Open. So, I mean, keep trying like this, like plans, and then I think it's going to be okay. It's not serious injury, so hopefully to feel better, yeah.

Q. And obviously you're playing really well this week. What's going well for you this week?

IN GEE CHUN: So my coach is here this week and we are working on swing a little bit. I changed my putter back to original one. So I tried couple new putters since like last two tournaments and then the beginning of this season, so I feel like I'm back home, so I have more -- I feel more comfortable with my own putter now.

So I think it help make the good score this week. Just want to like keep going with this putter and I can see like what I can make for the future, yeah.

Q. Last question: How would you describe your season overall, the ups and downs of your game?

IN GEE CHUN: It's not quite -- not good as what I wanted. It's not what I wanted. But anyway, it's already past so it's already history.

So now just want to trying to stay in present and then do just what I can do every day. From the last question I said like I feel like I'm back home with my old putter, so I feel much comfortable, which means I think we'll see. Yeah.

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