Mizuho Americas Open

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Gabriela Ruffels

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Gabi Ruffels after her final round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Really solid finish here; T3 result. How are you feeling about your game today? I know the course was tricky today.

GABRIELA RUFFELS: It was very tricky today but definitely had a lot of opportunities and didn't quite capitalize on them. Overall really solid week. I mean, the course definitely played the toughest today.

So, yeah, overall happy with even, but would've liked I guess a few more. Two solid weeks the past couple weeks for sure.

Q. As you were watching the leaderboard did you see Hannah and Nelly battling? Both got 14-, 13-under. Did you believe that was incredible with the way the courses is playing?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, no, I kind of looked early and they were kind of struggling a little bit early. I know Nelly was. So, yeah, thought it was playing tough. There were opportunities, too.

But the wind did pick up on the last couple holes. Definitely had my opportunities, so hopefully next time I'm in that situation I can learn from it and hopefully capitalize on it.

Q. What did you learn from being in contention this week?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, just staying patient. I feel like that -- and especially on a Sunday, especially when it's super tough, that will go really well and fare really well.

Scores weren't super low today. I saw one minus-7 which could have been in the morning. Yeah, just staying patient I feel like is so important, and that's what I've learned the past couple weeks.

Q. I want to say your second T3 result in a row. What has been working for you so well these past two weeks that you can really attribute to your success?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, I think just mentally keeping myself in it, you know, not getting too up or down. These are tough golf courses, this last one, Upper Montclair, and then this one. So keeping myself in it mentally and just kind of not -- I mean, just giving it my best and trying 100%.

So, yeah, I feel like that kind of got me through the bad times and the good times.

Q. Last question from me: I know it's your rookie season; how happy are you to see this upswing in golf in the middle of the season, and what are you looking forward to coming up?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, no, it's really cool. I mean this is, yeah, my rookie year and people are telling me this is one the best years in LPGA. Just going up and up and it was kind of a good time to come on I guess.

But, no, I've really enjoyed my time out here and looking forward to obviously the U.S. Open in couple weeks that I qualified for. Just kind of going to Europe and hopefully finishing the season off strong.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144323-1-1041 2024-05-19 22:20:00 GMT

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