Maybank Championship

Friday, October 27, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Chanettee Wannasaen

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, Chanettee, will you take us through your round today. Really solid six you said. How was today maybe different from yesterday?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Actually today is very perfect shot for me because like I got six birdie in a row. That very perfect on today for my short game, yeah.

Q. How would you rate this course? Is this course hard? Long? How would you describe this course for you?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: This course is not hard, because green very soft. Is similar like Portland, but a little bit long. Just a little bit. It's not hard, yeah.

Q. Speaking of Portland, how have you been feeling since your first win? How is your confidence and your game in general since Portland?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: I got more confident from the Portland and I don't worry about my ranking at all. Just do the best on every tournament I play, yeah.

Q. I was following you today and I see that during your round you were quite easygoing a little bit. Is that something that carry on from yesterday or today did you feel more relaxed when playing the round?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Actually, I think normally I can play this course -- I think I can play really good, but yesterday I got a lot of bogey, yeah.

But today it's perfect for me.

Q. So there is two days left. What is your thought for this tournament?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: I want to win. I want to have a second win for my rookie this year, because I want to play in CME on the next two weeks, yeah. I want to play in CME.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138559-1-1041 2023-10-27 05:26:00 GMT

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