Maybank Championship

Friday, October 27, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Celine Boutier

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Celine, really good round for you today. A lot of birdies on the card. Where were those birdie opportunities coming from? Can you tell us about the round?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, I feel like I had a lot of really close birdie putts. The greens are soft so I was able to hit it a little bit easier to just be aggressive, because the ball is going to stay. I feel like if you can manage to control your distances very well it's a lot easier when you don't have to worry about the bounces.

Q. Were you stuck in the weather delay yesterday?


Q. How did you manage dealing with the really long delay? I know you had a birdie or so on the last hole, right?

CELINE BOUTIER: No, but I did birdie one of the last three holes that I had. Yeah, it was definitely a lot of waiting around, and I feel like you just weren't sure whether you were going to be able to go back out or not.

So it was just really about being patient and not getting ahead of yourself. I felt like there was nothing you could control really with the weather. Either way I was really glad we were able to finish.

Q. So can I ask between yesterday and today, is there any switch in your mindset or maybe your thought process?

CELINE BOUTIER: Not really. I don't even feel like my game is that different. I feel like I played really solid yesterday, just wasn't able to hole any putts. Today I feel like I made a little bit more putts and a lot closer birdie chances.

Q. Do you have a different game plan for tomorrow or are you going to continue with what you are?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, I think just the same strategy. I feel like this course is very scorable, so I feel like 36 holes left is a lot of golf, and you definitely have to birdie a lot of holes out there to be able to be in contention.

I'm just going to try to be as aggressive as I can be.

Q. Is there anything you feel you need to improve for tomorrow?

CELINE BOUTIER: I mean, how to improve on nine birdies, right? But I feel like of course I start with a three-putt, so that wasn't the great, best start.

So I feel like just maybe if I -- I mean, honestly it's hard. I feel like I played really solid, but maybe few more putts and that would make it even better.

I'm very happy with my game honestly.

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