Maybank Championship

Friday, October 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Ida Ayu Melati

Quick Quotes - First Round

Q. So just share a bit about your round today.

IDA AYU MELATI: So today my ball striking today is not very good, but then I made a very good, like a lot of up and down from the bunker, from the rough.

So that's a good side of the score. Yeah, I'm working on my ball striking right after this round, and then go work on the next couple days.

Q. So maybe as a top Asian qualifier, finisher, do you have any expectations that you were dealing yourself with on the first tee this morning?

IDA AYU MELATI: I just expect for me to play -- like to enjoy and just be on the ground, you know, yeah.

Q. Conditions any different from a last year? Course playing different?

IDA AYU MELATI: I feel like -- I mean today, like oh, this is a tournament. Like the vibe is very tournament and a lot of supporters here and very grateful for that.

Just happy to be out here, yeah he.

Q. Are you going to work on anything?

IDA AYU MELATI: Yeah, yeah. Going to work on the range. Most definitely.

Q. Anything in particular you're going to work on?

IDA AYU MELATI: Tee shots I think. Yeah, tee shots.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
150028-1-1041 2024-10-24 21:28:00 GMT

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