Travelers Championship

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Taylor Pendrith

Quick Quotes

Q. Really solid start. Just kind of talk me through how the round went for you.

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, it was a good day. I drove the ball pretty good, until the last hole, I hit it against the lip. But hit my irons really nice, had tons of look for birdie and rolled in a couple putts, so it was a solid start.

Q. Has it been as simple as feeling healthy for the results? I mean, you played well leading into CJ Cup, Byron Nelson, you win that, you continued it, has it really been just a matter of feeling good?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I think it's a mixture of a lot of things, that definitely helps for sure. I'm swinging kind of how I used to, similar speeds, everything's kind of going the correct distance that I'm used to. But just I'm hitting it a lot better and putting really good this year. So, you know, a little bit of confidence and feeling healthy, it's all coming together and I've been playing some really nice golf lately.

Q. Not a long course, how did you attack it? Are you trying to just get it up there as far as possible and taking it wherever it is?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: A little bit of both, I think. You can hit a lot of drivers out here -- you can kind of hit whatever you want off the tees -- I hit a lot of drivers today. There's some holes where, you know, just hit something 250 off the tee and get it in play. The rough is pretty thick in some spots, so hitting the fairway's key and I was able to do that for the most part today and yeah, like I said, hit my irons and wedges really nicely and it's nice to get that one up-and-down from 95 yards on the last.

Q. It doesn't take much to change sometimes the aspect of the way a golf course plays. Historically, this course has given up, you know, 60, there was a 58 here, we see those kind of scores. It doesn't look like that's out there today, at least from the initial scoring. What's the difference?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I don't know. It's maybe getting a little bit windy right now. But, yeah, if you have a good day with your wedges -- I mean, you got to get it in play, first of all, but then, if you have a good day with your wedges, there's definitely lots of birdie chances. But, yeah, I think there will be some low scores this afternoon and tomorrow and especially if it rains and softens it up a little bit. But the course is in awesome shape and the greens are running good, so it's definitely a place where you can make some birdies.

Q. Has your mentality shifted or just how you feel mentally after getting that win, it comes with an exemption, everything that brings, just in the aftermath, have you felt any different?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, it's definitely nice to know that I've got my card locked up for a couple more years. I get to play in the bigger events the remainder of this year, which is awesome. I've had a pretty busy schedule because of that, so it's all good things, but I played a lot of golf. I'm going to play 10 out of 11 weeks, which is a lot for me. But obviously thrilled to be here and in all the other events. So, yeah, it gives me tons of confidence and it will be nice to set my schedule at the end of this year for the following year and, yeah, go from there.

Q. Has your body felt good throughout that stretch, or are you still trying to manage it a bit?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, it feels good. Like I said, I played a lot of golf so trying to take it easy as much as I can, but still working really hard and being productive, but trying to take it easy.

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