Travelers Championship

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Mackenzie Hughes

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-under on the day. Great round. Your thoughts on how things went today?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I thought it was a really nice day. I got off to a nice start first kind of handful of holes there. That eagle on 6 was a nice boost. Then I kind of kept it going the rest of the day. Again, we're kind of sickos, but like you always are, like, Man, I could have been like one or two better pretty easily. But 65's a great start and I'm pretty happy.

Q. Thoughts on coming to a course like this after a test like last week?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: It's kind of nice to go out there and have the mindset to make a few birdies. There were certainly some scorable holes out there, still some tough holes and the rough is quite thick, so you still need to be on your game. But you feel like if you're hitting some really nice shots you can make some birdies.

Q. Mindset heading into the next couple of days?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, a lot of the same stuff. It's going to be hot and there's going to be some weather, so just, yeah, taking care of the body, getting rest, and the game plan doesn't really change. You know you need to put the ball in the fairway the next few days and if you do that you can be aggressive.

Q. Obviously you talked about that having that just good start there and then the bogey on 8 and the bogey on 17. Just, but besides that just great start, just kind of how important was that to just get off on a good start?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, I mean, you can't win the tournament on Thursday, but you can lose the tournament on Thursday. So I think, yeah, getting off to a nice start is a nice bonus and kind of gets me off on the right note.

Q. On 17 you hit that drive into the water, what happened there?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I missed it like two yards right and, yeah, I mean, the ball landed almost in the fairway and just, yeah, could have been up, and it just kind of knocked down in the water there. But I actually made a pretty good swing. It's part of golf.

Q. Talk about this weather. Obviously it's the heat index is going to be up to 100, you kind of got done early. Does that really affect you at all with the weather?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I mean, you just got to stay hydrated and try and find the shade whenever you can. It was really hot out there and it's going to be hot the next few days as well. So just hydrate and get some rest.

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145496-1-1044 2024-06-20 17:44:00 GMT

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