Travelers Championship

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Xander Schauffele

Quick Quotes

Q. I know not the way you wanted to finish, but how would you overall characterize the day?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, it's kind of just been all week. I feel like I'm just putting well. That's literally like all I can do right now it feels like. So, upset that I missed that short one on the last, a little bit of lapse of focus. I was able to step off on 17 and I was literally trying to tell myself to focus more, and rushed it a little bit on 18 and pushed it. So, big bummer there to go into tomorrow at least two back, maybe three back depending upon how Tom finishes up here. So it is what it is.

Q. Was it challenging to sort of get back into the flow of things after the three-hour rain delay for you?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: I feel like I got in as good a flow as I can with how I'm playing. Just not really super aggressive with certain shots, wiping a lot of shots right now. Actually wish the sun was still up, I would love to go hit some balls right now. So, but the putter's really, it's one of those tournaments I'll look back on this, and I'm fighting pretty hard right now, relying on a lot on my putter to get me through most of these rounds.

Q. How challenging do you anticipate tomorrow's round is going to be with the scores that are going to be really low it's going to be hard to get separation.

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, for sure, feels like more than ever you're going to have to keep your head down, it's kind of been my motto, stay in my lane, for quite some time, and I think tomorrow it's going to hold pretty true. You might par the first two, three holes and feel like you're miles behind. So, I mean, you can get on a run at any point on this golf course, and definitely have to earn your birdies, but I think they're going to be coming in bunches tomorrow.

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145574-1-1044 2024-06-23 00:36:00 GMT

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