Travelers Championship

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Tom Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Seemed like you had to jump right back into it after the rain delay, there wasn't a lot of room to par your way around, how challenging was it to get back into your rhythm?

TOM KIM: Actually, the wind kind of died down after the delay, so it played -- obviously the greens were really soft and fairways were soft and there's no wind, so obviously there were a lot of birdies out there, I'm sure a lot of guys did, I didn't really look at leaderboards, but when you get soft conditions out there it's definitely gettable and I feel like I executed well enough to have a good round today.

Q. Did you feel pressure that you had to keep it going down because everybody was making a lot of birdies?

TOM KIM: Not at all.

Q. With the leaderboard, obviously you're on top of the leaderboard, that's where you want to be, but how challenging do you anticipate tomorrow is going to be, knowing that there are a lot of guys who have had success, everything is so stacked up, course has been yielding low scores, how hard will it be to win tomorrow?

TOM KIM: I mean, I feel like out here there's no, it's all about just execution. I'm going to go out tomorrow with the same game plan and try to do the things that I've been doing and if it's good enough, it's great, but if someone's better than that, I can't do anything about it. So just kind of go in with the expectation of there's just, it's a stacked leaderboard, out here a 5-, 6-shot lead is not save safe at all. So I got to go out tomorrow and do the same game plan and execute.

Q. Sounds like you're getting ready to head over to the range, it's almost dark, what are you going to work on?

TOM KIM: Just some things I kind to need to kind of keep everything in check. Obviously that delay and everything, just make sure everything's moving well.

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145578-1-1044 2024-06-23 00:47:00 GMT

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