John Deere Classic

Friday, July 7, 2023

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Adam Schenk

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Another great round. Another bogey-free round. Just kind of tell us what all is clicking and going well for you this week.

ADAM SCHENK: Same stuff as yesterday. I played probably better today than yesterday. I just missed some putts that could have went in.

Had a little rainfall, which was unfortunate, but it never got too heavy where it was a complete nuisance, so fortunate in that aspect.

Just another solid ball-striking day. I think they mentioned I hit 16 of 18 greens, so that's obviously a good recipe. Just make a few more putts over the weekend, and hopefully that gives me a chance.

THE MODERATOR: We talked a little bit about yesterday. You've obviously got so many fans and friends so forth here. Obviously not a distraction. Are you able to really -- I don't know if compartmentalize is the right word, but do what you need to do and meanwhile spend the time with family, friends, and so forth?

ADAM SCHENK: Yeah, I mean, I really just kind of keep my head down and really worry about myself out there. So I feel like I repeat that in the few interviews I have done this year, but focus on myself.

It's great to have family support and a lot of friends out there, so that makes it nice hearing the cheers, but hopefully more friends and family even over the weekend. I think there's some more coming in tomorrow, so look forward to that and just seeing some people I haven't seen in a while.

THE MODERATOR: You always strike me as very mild-mannered. I mean that in a good way. Has that worked to your advantage? Are you mindful of that, and do you have to practice that, or is that just part of who you are?

ADAM SCHENK: Not really. It's just more my personality. I try not to ever get too high or too low.

There's a few other things I do that make me a little more -- I'll show a little more emotion. Winning would be up with of them. Making a putt to win would be awesome. I would really show some emotion then, but it's fun being in contention, and this weekend will provide that.

I think we're a couple of shots off the lead maybe, so Cam played really nice today again. If he keeps playing like that, it will be hard to catch, but we'll go out this weekend and give it our best.

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