Barracuda Championship

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Aaron Wise

Quick Quotes

Q. A career-best 10 birdies today. What clicked for you out there?

AARON WISE: The putter, obviously. I think everyone who plays here knows that if you get it in the fairway, you're going to have a bunch of looks for birdie, and I did today, it was just a matter of making the putts. My speed was kind of off the first couple rounds. Yesterday I putted amazing but I didn't hit it very good, and today I was kind of able to put it all together. I hit it great, was able to leave myself in good spots and then was able to roll in the birdie putts.

Q. Were you aware of the amount of birdies you were making or were you trying to keep all that out of your mind?

AARON WISE: Yeah, I mean, you know you're playing really well. I wasn't adding it up, I just knew I had to keep making them to try to get as far up the leaderboard as I could. I was really happy, especially those last three holes I was able to get all three of them and finish this round off positively, which is something I didn't do the first couple days.

Q. It's your first time playing this event; did you like the format? I know it's different.

AARON WISE: It is different. You know, it's great for me. I've always been a player that makes a lot of birdies and kind of makes a lot of bogeys. This format birdies mean more than bogeys, so it's great for my game, and really excited that today it kind of all came together and I was able to see that shine.

Q. With a good finish today you'll get a fair amount of FedExCup points as we get closer to the Playoffs. Does that give you a lot of confidence and a little bit of reassurance?

AARON WISE: Yeah, I needed them. It's coming down to the deadline. We all know we've got through Wyndham, and I'm outside the Top 125, so everything I can get here this week and then obviously got to have a good off week next week and get to Wyndham and try and get myself in that race.

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100360-1-1002 2020-08-02 23:53:00 GMT

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