Barracuda Championship

Friday, August 6, 2021

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Scott Piercy

Quick Quotes

Q. 15 points. Excellent round. If we can get some comments.

SCOTT PIERCY: Yeah, just hit it well. Hit my irons close. Didn't really have to make anything too long. Like I said, my irons were just kind of on today. So hope I can keep doing that on the weekend and roll a few putts in.

Q. You've always been known to be able to string some birdies together. That was a nice -- you had eight birdies, I think, in your last 11 holes.

SCOTT PIERCY: Yeah, I feel like my game's pretty good right now. Putter feels good. I feel like I've got control of my golf swing. Equipment's right. I've got to go put it together.

Q. Comment a little bit about the conditions out there. Seems like it got a little worse toward the end of the day. Did that affect you at all?

SCOTT PIERCY: It's smoky, but the weather stayed pretty good as far as the wind. So it wasn't too bad. You couldn't really see the ball in the air very well. But you could see it take off and some holes you could see it land and roll. But the nice thing was the wind stayed down because it was down in the morning.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111211-1-1045 2021-08-06 23:49:00 GMT

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