Barracuda Championship

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Scott Piercy

Quick Quotes

Q. Eight points today. If we can get you to assess your round.

SCOTT PIERCY: I played really solid. I had two mental errors today, 8 and 13. I had a bad swing on 12, and I had a three-putt. Other than the three-putt, hitting it in the woods with a 6-iron and a couple mental errors. I felt like I played pretty well. I wasn't really in trouble other than that. Tough conditions today, and like I said, I played well, just a couple mistakes.

Q. Always nice to finish up with a birdie. Talk about the last hole.

SCOTT PIERCY: You know, I'm glad I saw Scott's putt first because I played a little bit less. I think that putt puts me a little closer for tomorrow, and see if we can go get it done.

Q. It's going to be a shootout tomorrow. You've got a little bit more experience probably than a lot of these guys. Will you rely on that tomorrow hopefully?

SCOTT PIERCY: Yeah, you know, I mean, it's a birdie-fest, but at the same time it's about not making bogeys or doubles. You've just got to play smart to the right pin positions and stuff like that, be aggressive when you can, and hopefully the putter gets hot.

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