Barracuda Championship

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Brandon Hagy

Quick Quotes

Q. 18 points today. Excellent round. Can we get some comments?

BRANDON HAGY: Yeah, it was steady. I think the first three rounds I played well, just the lid was kind of on the hole a little bit, a lot of two-putt birdies. But today I was able to roll in some of those 10-, 15-footers and rack up some points.

Q. Especially on 11. Take us through that hole.

BRANDON HAGY: 11 has been kind of a pain for me. Tried a bunch of strategies through three rounds. And today if it was hurting wind we would hit driver, and if it went a little bit past, so be it. And I kind of pushed it perfectly right at the flag. And luckily I was able to carry it that far and hit to maybe 12 feet just in the rough and bladed my wedge in, so, yeah, it was nice.

Q. Fourth start at this event. Three really good finishes. What is it about it that you like so much?

BRANDON HAGY: I think my length just gives me some advantages to try and get those five-point eagles, which goes a long way, and have some shorter clubs into some other holes. So be aggressive, hit driver a lot. Those type of things. I look forward to coming to this event.

Q. Top 5 right now. At least a top-10 finish, probably. A good week for you points-wise with the FedExCup Playoffs coming up. Talk about your goals for that.

BRANDON HAGY: One of the goals today was to make the TOUR Championship. And the idea coming into this event and playing Wyndham also next year is to get as high as possible in the FedExCup. And I'm just looking to play some solid golf the rest of the season and play a little next week and move as high as I can, and finish strong in the playoffs.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111257-1-1045 2021-08-08 23:54:00 GMT

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