Barracuda Championship

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Scott Piercy

Quick Quotes

Q. Bogey free, plus 11 today, highlighted by an eagle on 6. Final round?

SCOTT PIERCY: You know, it's hard to be upset with a bogey free -- was it a 6- or 7-under, 5, 6-under? I don't know. And a couple of the putts on the back nine, leaving them short.

And I played well. I mean, only missed one green today. I don't know. So, just couple mistakes early in the week that maybe cost me. And maybe a putt or two here on Sunday that didn't get to the hole. So trending in the right direction, but gotta do something next week.

Q. Like you said, trending in the right direction. First top-10 since Phoenix, last year. What were big takeaways this game to be moving into the following week?

SCOTT PIERCY: Just the game's there. So it's been close for a while. Just hasn't shown up. That's about it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111259-1-1045 2021-08-09 01:27:00 GMT

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