Barracuda Championship

Friday, July 15, 2022

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Mark Hubbard

Quick Quotes

Q. Feels funky saying, but +25 heading into the weekend, still clicking. How did today go?

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, it was good. It was tough early, man, with the cold and the elevation. It's hard to know how far the ball is going, and it seemed like every pin on our front nine, the back nine, was front with water short, so you couldn't really play with it. So it was just tough to get the ball close early. Once it heated up and started going another 10 percent I started making some birdies.

Q. Looking forward to playing more in the afternoon?

MARK HUBBARD: Absolutely, not having to worry about hand warmers in the morning and not having to worry about the adjustment.

Q. Flawless on holes 1 through 9 so far this week; any holes that in particular stick out for you?

MARK HUBBARD: No, I mean, I definitely think it's the easier nine. I think probably the toughest stretch of golf is 14 through 18. 16 gives you a little break. But you can also mess it up, as I did yesterday.

I think you've got to get off to a good start and then play really good golf coming down the stretch.

Q. Any big following? Not too far from here, went to San Jose State.

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, a few friends popping up, a guy that I played on the basketball team with, that I played on the basketball team with at San Jose State, he was up here yesterday, and my wife's family is all out with our daughter, so good little crew.

Q. Completely unrelated to golf and random, do you still drive your 2010 Honda CRV?

MARK HUBBARD: No, so pretty shortly after that post, I gave it to my little brother who turned 16 because I actually ordered a Ford Bronco, one of the new ones, thinking I would get it in a month or two, and it's been almost two years later and it just got delivered yesterday. I finally have a car, but I literally have had no car for like a year and a half.

Q. What have you been driving?

MARK HUBBARD: My wife has got her car, so I've been driving when I can, but if I've had to practice at home on a week off, I've just been renting a car from Avis.

Q. The Honda is still around, it is in the family?

MARK HUBBARD: The Honda is alive. It's still in the family, just not with me.

Q. How exciting to come home to the Bronco.

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, I'm pretty excited.

Q. What color?

MARK HUBBARD: I got like a really dark kind of carbon gray all around.

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