Barracuda Championship

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Kelly Kraft

Quick Quotes

Q. Feels weird saying, but plus 17. How would you assess your opening round?

KELLY KRAFT: It was pretty good. I mean, I played nice. It was kind of a slow start. Kind of like had the pulls in the beginning of my round which I've been fighting lately.

I kind of figured out what to do and played great the rest of round. Made some putts. Yeah, good.

Q. With this format does is it allow you to play more freely with scoring?

KELLY KRAFT: I don't know. It's kind of weird. I was just in scoring and the guy told me what I shot, and I was like, I have no idea what I shot. I just know I had 17 points.

You're kind of just trying to make birdies the whole time, which you can do out here. Get a lot looks and just make some putts. The par-5s are pretty easy.

So, yeah, it's kind of weird. When you make a birdie you move up two spots instead of one, so it's kind of -- it's good. You just don't want to make doubling I guess.

Q. Does it change strategy at all?

KELLY KRAFT: Not really. You're still just going to go out and try to shoot the lowest score. Yeah, I would say no.

Q. On a stretch of playing fourth consecutive week?


Q. How are you feeling?

KELLY KRAFT: I have had a lot of weekends off the last few weeks. Before that I was playing pretty good. I thought I was playing pretty good. Just got in a little bit of a funk.

Still working on the same things that I have been. Just it all kind of just came together better today. It's not really that I've been playing bad. Just not getting a whole lot out of it I guess.

Q. Playing out of conditional status, how has that been the season, challenges?

KELLY KRAFT: It sucked pretty bad. It's the first year I lost my card and probably the worst year I'd ever play out of this category. I think normal years I think we would've played twice as many tournaments out of this category.

This year I guess since the elevated stuff and guys aren't getting in those, everybody else, Korn Ferry categories and all those guys are pretty much playing whatever they get into, so there is really not much for my category to fill the field.

Hadn't been a whole lot of fun, but I've got a couple little ones at home so I've had a little more time at home, so that's been great. You know, basically just playing everything I can get into.

Q. Family out there week?

KELLY KRAFT: No. Youngest one is still too young to travel. They're back home. But, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146511-1-1041 2024-07-18 20:55:00 GMT

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