Barracuda Championship

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Nate Lashley

Press Conference

Q. Plus 15 in your opening round. How did you feel about your game today?

NATE LASHLEY: Yeah, I played great. Drove the ball nice. Hit a lot of fairways, gave myself a lot of opportunities, and made some of them.

I had a lot of putts that could have went in today too, so it's nice. I came out. It's nice to come out first round and play like that. It's great to get off to a nice start in a week.

I haven't done that a whole lot this year, so it's nice to get off to that start.

Q. It gives you some confidence?

NATE LASHLEY: For sure. Like I said, I'm hitting the ball nice. I'm driving it really good. Iron play feels good. Out here if you hit fairways, you're going to have a lot of chances.

Continue to hit fairways and, yeah, like I said, keep the confidence up and see how it goes the rest of it is week.

Q. It's your second start here. Is this a course that you like?

NATE LASHLEY: Well, when you are playing well, you like most courses. When you're not playing well, you might not like the course.

But, yeah, this is a beautiful place. It's great up here. It's a fun course. It's great for this format really. It's a lot of fun to play.

So, yeah, I look forward to coming up here and having a good week.

Q. Talk about the format a little bit. Do you enjoy Stableford, and does it allow you to be a little more aggressive?

NATE LASHLEY: You know, people say that. I don't know, though. You can be aggressive when you have the opportunity if you're in the fairway, but you know when birdie is worth double the amount of points of bogey, it makes sense to hit it at more pins. At the same time, you don't want to be making bogeys either.

Yeah, maybe a little bit more aggressive. Like I said, I've only played this -- this is only my second year, so it's, I don't know, just try to approach it as hit the best shot you can and go try and make birdies.

Q. Anything to tinker with tonight, or are you going to head home?

NATE LASHLEY: No, I'm done. I'm not going to go to it is range. If I go to the range, I might mess up whatever I'm doing right now well. I'm going to go home, relax, and have some dinner, and maybe a beer.

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