Barracuda Championship

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Lorenzo Scalise

Press Conference

Q. First start at the Barracuda championship? How did you feel about your opening round?

LORENZO SCALISE: Very pleased. Perfect round of golf really. Only made one mistake. I hit the drive well.

I guess it was a good birthday present to shoot a, yeah, 13 points, but yeah, 6-under is always good.

Q. Happy birthday.


Q. Are you going to do anything special tonight?

LORENZO SCALISE: No, not really. Just trying to rest up. Early start tomorrow.

Q. What do you think about the golf course? Is it something that fits your game well?

LORENZO SCALISE: I'm not sure. It's really hard to predict how you're going to play, but I like the course. The views are great. The way that it's playing I really like it. It's firm. At least it was playing firm.

The biggest task is to just understand how far the ball is going to go exactly because of the altitude, but it's beautiful. Great layout. I like every layout with trees. That's kind of what I grew up playing.

Yeah, I really like it.

Q. Can you talk about the Stableford format a little bit? Have you played much of it before?

LORENZO SCALISE: No, no, first time. It's fun. Actually, I told my caddie that it's the first time that I don't -- I almost forgot what my score was. I was just trying to add points, which I guess it's a good thing.

Q. So you play a little bit more aggressive maybe?

LORENZO SCALISE: Just normal really. Just try to play a good round of golf. That's all, yeah.

Q. Have you done anything in Tahoe this week?

LORENZO SCALISE: Not yet. I'm going tomorrow. I'm playing in the morning, so I'll have a bit more time in the afternoon, and then I'll try and explore a little bit with a couple of the other Italians who I'm sharing a house with.

Q. Then the last question, obviously you're a full-time DP World Tour guy coming over here for the week. Have you played much on the PGA TOUR?

LORENZO SCALISE: No, it's my second event. First event was last week. I went to Tennessee for college, so I have lived in States for four years, and I've played -- I haven't played these courses, but I've played a lot in America, and I've enjoyed it really much. So I'm looking forward to the rest of the week.

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