Barracuda Championship

Friday, July 19, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

J.J. Spaun

Press Conference

Q. J.J., strung together two great rounds here. Can you share how you're feeling about your game right now.

J.J. SPAUN: Yeah, it's been a good week so far. Kind of kept the ball in front of me, not too many mistakes. Made a lot of good putts when I needed to. Just kind of stayed out of trouble, racked up some good points the last couple days.

THE MODERATOR: I heard you say you're going to go to the range, hit a few drivers. Is that the one thing you want to work on or...

J.J. SPAUN: I've been driving it well. I found a new feel this week that's been working with the driver, so I just kind of want to groove it in, just kind of more reps gets it in that sweet spot where it's kind of you're not thinking too much about it, and it kind of becomes second nature.

Just a couple extra reps.

Q. Do you enjoy the Stableford format?

J.J. SPAUN: Yeah, it's fun. Your good results outweigh your mistakes. It's a little bit freeing out there. But it's a course that I like playing. It's an area in the country that I like. I mean, California is my home state. It's always lovely to be up here.

Yeah, it's fun. Just changes things up. It definitely frees you up, too, at the same time. Maybe that's why it's contributing to my success.

Q. Is this your fourth straight week?

J.J. SPAUN: Fourth, yeah.

Q. How are you feeling? Tired?

J.J. SPAUN: Not really. I've been playing really well. When you're doing good things, you don't feel like you get that stamina kill versus grinding everything out. It's come pretty easy the last four weeks. That kind of helps save a little bit of energy.

I still got one more to go next week, too. Yeah, we got a long ways to go, too.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146571-1-1004 2024-07-19 19:31:00 GMT

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