Barracuda Championship

Friday, July 19, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Sean O'Hair

Press Conference

Q. 16 points heading. How are you feeling heading into today?

SEAN O'HAIR: Made some nice putts today. Overall felt pretty good about my game.

Q. Was windier conditions compared to playing morning wave yesterday?

SEAN O'HAIR: Yesterday was beautiful. Couldn't have had better conditions. Today got a little tricky coming down the stretch with the wind. I mean, there was a couple of cross breezes, but nothing crazy.

I mean, beautiful all day. Course is in great shape. Nice to see a few putts go in.

Q. Different format. Does it kind of allow you just to go for it?

SEAN O'HAIR: Yeah. You know, I made an eagle today, and it kind of -- getting five points, that makes a big difference. This format, doing stuff like that, it makes up a lot of ground and kind of allows you to play a little bit more aggressive than maybe you would normally do.

It's fun. It's a nice change. You know, you play well and see where you lie, you know?

Q. With scheduling it's kind of hard to know when events are kind of coming. What's motivation to capitalize on weeks like this?

SEAN O'HAIR: Yeah, my opportunities are kind of far and few between, so I have to kind of take advantage of every opportunity possible.

You know, this is kind of a nice time to start playing some nice golf, so hopefully this is a trend for things to come for me, and I think I might have one or two more events after this in the regular season.

You know, just kind of trying to catch lightning in a bottle really.

Q. The up-and-down on 9, just take me through that, if you could.

SEAN O'HAIR: It was a pretty simple up-and-down. I kind of -- I was trying to hold the wind on 9, 9 tee. It was a little off to the left and overdrew it a little bit and got kind of a weird lie. I was almost standing in a bunker and wasn't able to get a shot on the green.

It was all about angles and just want to kind of give myself as much space as possible. I did a good job of that, and I was lucky to kind of get a good lie. It just was a pretty simple chip. Just get it over the bunker, released, and the putt was, what, 4 feet or so.

I've been a little sketchy kind of this year with my putting, so I've had some really good days and some not so good days. It was nice to kind of have a nice day today on the greens.

Q. Then I think there were a couple of people out following you, and they mentioned your putter was on fire. Who were those folks, and how good is it to have a good putting day?

SEAN O'HAIR: Future family. It was nice to have them out, and it's just nice to play well, to be honest with you. I don't get many opportunities, and I've had maybe one good tournament this year, which was Canada.

I'm 42 years old, and I'm trying to keep up with a bunch of young guys. I kind of just count my blessings, and I feel fortunate to play well today.

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