Barracuda Championship

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Casey Jarvis

Press Conference

Q. We'll start off with some comments about the hole-in-one on the sixth hole. Gained you eight points. Can you talk us through that hole and what club you used and just kind of summarize it?

CASEY JARVIS: It was 191 meters because I changed to meters this week. Kind of a tucked left leg, and 7 iron was a little too much club. I just stepped on an 8 iron.

Was trying to hit it center of the green, kind of just left of the center. It pulled a little and kind of pitched just right of the hole and went in.

I mean, it was kind of a delayed reaction from the crowd behind the green. When I got up there, it was pretty cool to see that it was in the hole.

Q. Is that your first hole-in-one?

CASEY JARVIS: It isn't, actually, no.

Q. How many others?

CASEY JARVIS: I've had 15. A few.

Q. Got it. That's amazing. Congratulations on your 15th.

CASEY JARVIS: Thank you.

Q. You followed it up with four more birdies. Can you talk about your round as a whole today?

CASEY JARVIS: Yeah, I mean, obviously I was a little bit behind the leaders coming in today, so I had to kind of play a bit more aggressive and hole a few more putts. I did that pretty well. I hit the ball really well and rolled in a few putts.

Didn't quite get the finish I was hoping for, but yeah, tomorrow is a new day.

Q. Take us back to Thursday at the start of the tournament. What were your plans and intentions? Where was your game at going into the week?

CASEY JARVIS: I mean, I was playing well. I didn't have a very good travel coming into this week. I only got in on Wednesday and didn't have a practice round, so it was my first time playing the course on Thursday, which is not normal.

Yeah, just game felt good. Just played well, I guess.

Q. Playing on the DP World Tour these conditions out here in Tahoe and California, something you're used to or have you had to adjust a little bit to the altitude, anything like that?

CASEY JARVIS: It's actually the same altitude back home in South Africa. The course is obviously a lot different to what we play on the DP World Tour. I quite like it, actually. But, yeah, didn't take much of an adjustment, no.

Q. What does this do for your confidence going into tomorrow? You have put yourself in a really nice place to be in contention tomorrow afternoon. Just thoughts for tonight and your plan for this afternoon?

CASEY JARVIS: Just rest up. Spend some time with the family. The family is over here. Yeah, just get some rest and come out tomorrow, and hopefully I'll play exactly like I did today.

I haven't played well over the Sundays in the past year, so hopefully tomorrow is different.

Q. Who is here from your family?

CASEY JARVIS: My mother, my dad, my sister, and my girlfriend.

Q. Do they all live in South Africa as well?

CASEY JARVIS: My 'rents live in the U.K., London.

Q. I was with you when you came off of 15 and you said to yourself that you've got to make those because you gave up two shots to the field. Talk about this format and how everything really does count out there and you have to be aggressive.

CASEY JARVIS: Obviously the par 5s you want to take advantage over. I've done that pretty well this week. Yeah, kind of stepped up on 15. I was, like, Come on, you have to make birdie, plus two points. Pretty much the whole field is going to make birdie on this hole. It was disappointing missing that putt, but tomorrow is a new day, I guess.

Q. For those of us getting to know you on the PGA TOUR, are there any mentors or idols that you have kind of mimicked your game after?

CASEY JARVIS: I wouldn't say mimicked my game after, but a real idol and a hero to me is Tiger. Always been a big fan of Tiger. Probably spent my whole life watching YouTube videos of him in the past.

So him and Rory are just, yeah, huge role models to me.

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