Barracuda Championship

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Rico Hoey

Quick Quotes

Q. Two really solid rounds, a big swing since Thursday, how are you feeling about your play?

RICO HOEY: Feel pretty good. Yeah, disappointed on Thursday coming off from the last few weeks playing well. Just the last two days I just felt like I needed to turn it on out here. A lot of guys are making a lot of birdies, so I didn't want to fall behind.

Q. What parts of your game have been working the last couple days?

RICO HOEY: I think everything's kind of coming together in a sense. I don't feel like I'm hitting the ball great, I don't feel like I'm putting it great, but I'm positioning myself in good spots and just taking advantage where I can make birdies and eagles.

Q. This is your second start here. How would you compare your game this year over the past seven months compared to where you were here last year?

RICO HOEY: Yeah, last year I felt like I was playing pretty well, and then the last seven months it hasn't really been what I thought I could be doing, what I thought I was capable of. Yeah, coming back here it brings a lot of good memories. It was my first start ever out here, or second start, but they gave me a sponsor invite, and it really means a lot, so I wanted to come out here and play well again and it's cool just being back in California.

Q. I would say you're still doing well, five-man playoff last week. What does that do for your confidence this week and maybe going into tomorrow in contention?

RICO HOEY: Yeah, I think I'm just going to look back like, you know, five-man playoff, you just never know. Whatever happens, happens. Yeah, I've gotten a lot of confidence out of that week. I just felt, like everyone says, like, you know, I belong out here. I feel like I belong out here and I'm putting myself in those positions, and whether I get it done tomorrow or not I'm just going to keep fighting and keep breaking down those walls.

Q. If you do win tomorrow, what would that mean to you?

RICO HOEY: It would mean a lot, yeah. Just, you know, just job security, for sure, but I just love being out here and regardless of -- I just want to win. I want to be the best golfer that I can be and hopefully I can solidify it.

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