Barracuda Championship

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Mac Meissner

Quick Quotes

Q. You positioned yourself as No. 1 going into Sunday, how does that feel?

MAC MEISSNER: That's great. Any time you can go into a day with ahead and keep it, it's obviously a success. Feels good.

Q. Eagle on No. 3. Can you talk us through that?

MAC MEISSNER: Yeah, I had 208, slight off the right wind, and -- I'm taking that back -- it was into the wind. That hole's been kind of weird all week. We tried to go over the trees yesterday and we hit 'em, came down. We had enough of an angle to cut it around the trees, and it was perfect, it landed and had a little bit of spin and had like six feet for eagle.

Q. Was it a little more windy today, conditions?

MAC MEISSNER: It was on and off. When we were probably eight or nine holes in, it started blowing a little bit. Then once we went back out after the restart it was blowing. Then after about three or four holes it calmed back down.

Q. What hole were you on during weather delay?

MAC MEISSNER: I was on 11 box. I hadn't teed off yet.

Q. Did it bother you mentally going back out there?

MAC MEISSNER: Everyone is going to tell you it sucks, obviously, but you just got to try and get your mind off of golf a little bit. Try and text friends. I was talking with my wife, hanging out with her, that was great. Certainly you're still thinking about golf, but as much as you can do to get your mind off of it then you've done well.

Q. You talked a little bit about your caddie yesterday, how well you guys have been meshing. Obviously you guys did that again today. Can you share a little bit more about your relationship, how you guys got together?

MAC MEISSNER: Yeah, we grew up, we played high school golf in the same district in San Antonio. He was two years older than me. He went off to play golf at Stephen F. Austin, but we were both in San Antonio for the summers, both played at the same golf course. After he -- he tried to play professionally, after he graduated for probably a year and a half, but then decided it wasn't for him. We've been working together for about two and a half, three years now.

Q. You are you guys still in Texas?

MAC MEISSNER: Yes, we're both in Dallas now.

Q. Talk a little bit about putting today. Obviously putting is a huge in a format like this. Did you feel like your putter was in a good place?

MAC MEISSNER: I certainly made a couple longer ones which was nice. I guess I made one long one, which always helps, making a 30-footer. It's tough putting these greens. There's a lot of poa annua in 'em and you kind of just have to trust your line and make as confident of a stroke as you can. Sometimes you're going to hit good putts and they're not going to go in, like it did on 17. So, like I said, just trying to be as confident over the ball as possible and trying to have as good speed and if it matches and goes in, then all the better.

Q. Going into tomorrow how are the nerves, do you feel settled, what is your plan for tonight?

MAC MEISSNER: I'll definitely be a little bit nervous going into tomorrow, but I still know that by the time I tee off tomorrow I'll probably won't be in the lead, so that will be nice, I'll be able to still feel like I can chase, because it's always easier to win a golf tournament when you're coming from behind. So, yeah, I think I'll still try and have the same mentality, try and put up as many points as I can, and if I have a lead coming down the 18th then awesome.

Q. Your brother's playing in the Korn Ferry Tour event. Have you had a chance to check your phone or anything like that yet?

MAC MEISSNER: Yeah, I did. I looked at the break and saw that he was in T-5. I saw before I teed off that he was in the lead, I think. So, yeah, it's good to see him playing well. He's been having a great season starting on conditional status out there, so it's great to see him having some success and hopefully we can see him out here next year.

Q. How far apart are you two?

MAC MEISSNER: He's two and a half, three years older than me.

Q. Are you going to give him a call after this?

MAC MEISSNER: I'll probably text with him. But, yeah, it's really fun when we're both playing well in tournaments, I think it's great for my parents. I know they hate not being out here watching us and it's just great to be able to both see us playing well, and, I mean, I root for him more than anyone else.

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