Barracuda Championship

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Mac Meissner

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously not the result you wanted or were looking for, but a great week overall. Can you kind of sum up how you're feeling right now?

MAC MEISSNER: Yeah, I'm definitely pretty bummed. It was a frustrating day. I had a couple good looks early for birdie through the first 10 holes and didn't capitalize. It was just tough. You know, playing in the last group, you're going to get the worst greens and the firmest greens and there were just a couple holes where a couple chips got way from me and I wasn't able to make those 8- to 15-footers that I needed today.

Q. Do you feel like your performance today helps you get a little bit of confidence and a little bit of repetition in these kinds of situations, high pressure, as you're searching for a win?

MAC MEISSNER: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, this is probably the first time I've -- since probably a couple years ago that I've been in this position, especially out here. Getting those competitive reps with the 54-hole lead is great. I was proud of the way I fought. I didn't have my best stuff, especially with the putter today, so I'm proud of the way I fought and hopefully I can take that to next time.

Q. Saw a good putt, though, on 17 and you looked happy with yourself. I think maybe you got a little of something in the putter there. Do you feel the same?

MAC MEISSNER: Yeah, absolutely. I was missing all my putts low today. I wasn't really stroking it well and under pressure, just it's tough. I've never really felt that and I was having a hard time getting the putter going back far enough and was struggling with some pulls, so I'll work on that and I'll be ready for it next time.

Q. On your putting, your routine that you do, talk us through that.

MAC MEISSNER: I've always kind of struggled just getting set well. I'm a pretty tall guy, so I have a tendency to want to kind of get my hips going too far back and my head too far in front of the ball, so it causes me to kind of take the putter a little too far outside. So that just helps me kind of get in a better position more consistently, especially under pressure. I've done it for a really long time with the full swing, probably not to that much of a degree, but if you see it, I probably go about 45 degrees up. It just helps me be a little bit more consistent with my setup.

Q. Did that come from a coach back in the day?

MAC MEISSNER: It came from -- yeah, I started working with a guy named Stephen Sweeney in December of last year, so we've been working through that. It's been getting better. I've been seeing flashes of good and sometimes you're just going to struggle and especially under pressure it's just going to be illuminated a little bit more.

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