TOUR Championship

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

East Lake Golf Club

Collin Morikawa

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you describe the first hole? How did you end up there?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, obviously I was playing for it to be plugged in the right bunker. Who wouldn't? No, I mean, I just flared out a 6-iron. I didn't actually think it was going to fly that far, so when I walked up I was really surprised it was going to be in that lip.

But if you're going to have it plug in a bunker, you kind of want it on a lip because you can just hit it hard and it's going to pop straight up. Granted, it's not like I had an easy shot there, and I was really just -- kind of just trying to get it below the hole to the left, five, ten feet for par.

I hit it, got a great bounce, and from that point it just looked like it was going to go in. And I just wanted to see the replay. I finally saw it a few minutes ago. Yeah, wow, what a shot.

Q. I'm wondering what it's like when maybe you get some momentum going on the back, putting together a string of birdies, and you look at the scoreboard and it's still -- probably doesn't feel like you're making a dent in the lead. How hard is it to stay encouraged when that's the case?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, I mean, DJ can do what he's doing. I wasn't focused on what the final score was going to be. I was struggling at the beginning. Other than 1, I just couldn't get my ball in the fairway. Driver was not going straight.

Yeah, I had it going, but I had to really focus and not let anything go because one bad shot, especially 14, 15, 16, 17, can cost you, and it can add up quick. I made a good bogey putt on 14 -- yeah, 14 from about four feet.

You know, today was kind of a grind. I was able to scrape out a 3-under, but I'm glad I still have somewhat of a chance hopefully tomorrow and see what happens.

Q. What are kind of your feelings on the model in general of the staggered scoring?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, I mean, I like it. I don't mind starting at 5-under, or shoot, where DJ was, 10-under. I don't think anyone would. It's kind of played out. You've got to play well. Even though DJ started at 10, it's not like it was a given that he was going to win. But he's obviously been playing some pretty good golf, and like I said, we've got a lot of work to do.

But this is my first time around seeing this, but to finally play some good rounds so far and kind of have somewhat of a shot, I enjoy it.

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