The Presidents Cup

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Charlotte, North Carolina

Quail Hollow Club

Mito Pereira

Press Conference

Q. What do you think of your first Presidents Cup?

MITO PEREIRA: It's been unreal. More than what I expected for. Just the team thing, it's really cool, and how they are treating us is unbelievable.

Q. I know it was important for you to be here this week. Why is that? Why was it so important for you to experience this?

MITO PEREIRA: It's the only chance we get to play in team format as international. We can't play the Ryder Cup, so this is our big event as a team.

We all as international persons, it's something that everybody left our houses, another language, everybody left family, so this has been a good bond. I was really looking forward to this week.

Q. You made your first professional TOUR start here in '18. What do you remember about that?

MITO PEREIRA: I played really bad. So I don't remember anything.

It was cool because it was the second start for Joaquin too, and we stayed together. It was the first PGA TOUR, and do it on this course, it was impressive.

Q. What has Trevor brought to the team from a captain's standpoint? What are your opinions of him and how he's led this team?

MITO PEREIRA: He has done so many things for us to be comfortable and really confident going forward. He has a plan not just for this year, but just going through the years with the international team. So far he's been really, really good for us.

Q. What experience do you have in match play going back to your amateur days?

MITO PEREIRA: I have a little bit. I've played a couple tournaments in South America where we played match play. I haven't played in a while, but I think it's way different than medal play, so you've got to be a little bit more prepared for this.

Q. Do you consider yourself to be a good match play player?

MITO PEREIRA: It depends.

Q. On what?

MITO PEREIRA: If I'm making putts, I'm probably going to be a good match for anybody.

In doubles we have a pretty good strategy for first two days. So we'll see how it goes.

Q. Along those same lines, how much alternate shot have you played in your career?

MITO PEREIRA: I think just three events alternate shot. Not every day, but probably overall four or five days, four or five rounds.

Q. Is it something you're comfortable with?

MITO PEREIRA: I think nobody is very comfortable with alternate shot. You've just got to keep your head out of the -- out of your teammate, trying not to think about getting him in trouble. Just play your game and have a really good bond with your teammate.

Q. Has Trevor had any advice for you guys this week when it comes to alternate shot? That seems to be where the international team struggles.

MITO PEREIRA: Yeah, I think everybody knows what it is. Just whenever you get in the course, just really remember what you got to do. We had a conversation yesterday with Ernie Els. He talked a lot about the alternate shot part. So we're pretty good in that area.

Q. What's the biggest key to your ball striking? What do you do whenever it kind of goes awry? Is there a certain thought you have?

MITO PEREIRA: Just try to keep what I think is the best for me. I still try to go to fix it, and probably after a round hit a couple balls or call to my coach. Every time try to be in that rhythm of fixing something or just keep it in shape.

Q. So it's always a work in progress?


Q. Do you have a common thing you always go back to? Like you set up wrong? Is there one thing you always do incorrectly if something's off, or is it different?

MITO PEREIRA: No, it's almost always the same.

Q. What is it?

MITO PEREIRA: I just get the club too much behind and get a little stuck and miss to the right. It's really common. It's a good thing that it's just one thing.

Q. So what do you do to fix it?

MITO PEREIRA: Just do up here.

Q. What's different about you as a player and as a person today compared to that first start in '18 here?

MITO PEREIRA: I mean, game-wise, I think it's similar, just knowing better the courses and get more familiar to play on this big stage. As a person, I think it's good to know that you have what you need, what needs to be done to win.

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