The Presidents Cup

Friday, September 23, 2022

Charlotte, North Carolina

Quail Hollow Club

Jordan Spieth

Justin Thomas

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-0 in your Presidents Cup career in four-ball matches. What is it about this format you enjoy so much?

JUSTIN THOMAS: A great partner. A really great partner. No, I'm glad I put some ham in my omelet this morning for a nice little ham and egg out there. Jordan is starting to feel it with the putter, and it's a fun sight to see.

Q. Speaking of feeling it with the putter, what is it like when you're standing over a putt with that confidence that you think and know that you're going to get it?

JORDAN SPIETH: I was trying to drop that in the front edge, and it was going probably a good five or six by, so it wasn't exactly what I was trying to do there, but it was the right line.

Yeah, I mean, today -- I made an adjustment after yesterday's round. My speed control was really bad. I made a setup adjustment and really just, once I had freedom on my speed control, I just started to get a little more dialled in on the lines.

Like he mentioned, he made a good amount of birdies out there, and they were on opposite holes of mine. That's just the way it needs to be in four-ball.

Q. You said you made an adjustment. What was it, if you don't mind sharing?

JORDAN SPIETH: I just got a little more hands forward at address. Didn't feel like I was so far behind it. Just felt I was hitting a nice, more center contact on the putter. Not thin.

Q. Jordan and Justin, once again, the magic is there in Round 2 also. Jordan, it looked like you guys really put your heads together on that last putt to close this one out from 20 feet away here at the 17th.

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah. I mean, Adam was inside my putt, so if he had hit it and I could two-putt it, it's kind of a different look. You want to make the putt and end the match and not give him hope.

So I was fortunate for it to fall. Hit it a little harder than I wanted to. But that's just so glassy right there, one of the fast spots on the course.

Q. Justin, the 14th. Inches away from the ace on THAT par 3. What a moment to have in this tournament and this week in the second round of Presidents Cup.

JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, it was great. It was another kind of bizarre day for me personally in terms of some of the shots I hit. But, man, we ham and egged it so well. Jordan really, really came through for us those last five, six holes.

I was glad to put a good swing on there on 14. I had some good vibes on that hole, so I was glad to add some more.

Q. Jordan, you follow it up at 15. I guess the plan is put at least one ball in the creek, it will bounce out, and you can take care of the rest? How does that work?

JORDAN SPIETH: Obviously, I got really lucky twice there in two days.

JUSTIN THOMAS: Jordan's Creek.

JORDAN SPIETH: I did walk up, and I did notice there's a lot of rocks in the creek as you get closer to the green. It wasn't the plan. Worked out. But when you get a good break, you just have to take advantage.

Sometimes that makes you kind of feel it a little more. You feel like you have to take advantage and put a really good stroke on that whatever that was, 12-, 15-footer to tie that hole.

We had a couple holes today where we could have let them in a little closer, and one of us either hit a great shot or made a putt.

Q. Add another point for the United States. You guys led throughout. Justin, what was the difference? What came together between you two to get that point today?

JUSTIN THOMAS: We did an unbelievable job of picking the other one up when the other one wasn't necessarily in the best position. I did Jordan absolutely no favors really those last five or six holes in terms of being in position and getting a look, which is what you need to do when you're up like we were.

He really held us in there strong and made some unbelievable putts and hit some great shots. I hit a nice one on 14, but that's why we love this format, best ball. We feel like we have the firepower. We can make a lot of birdies.

We might be aggressive and make some bogeys, but one of us should be in there.

Q. In this format, you seemed so focused and comfortable on the greens today. How would you describe the way you putted?

JORDAN SPIETH: I thought I putted well.

Q. When you needed it.

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, sure. Early on, Justin made the ones that we needed there for birdie, and I was just kind of hanging in for pars and two-putt birdies on 7 and a short one on 8.

Like he mentioned, it was kind of back and forth. Then I just told Bones, like maybe it was the 9th hole or 10th hole when Justin had his birdie putt, I said, Bones, I just need one to go in. If I see one go in, I feel like they're going to stop dropping. I'm really close.

I made a four- or five-footer on the 11th. And from there on, I felt like I hit really good putts.

Q. Finally, as leaders of this team, how would you describe the responsibility of going out first, putting some red on the board so the guys in the back could follow?

JUSTIN THOMAS: I feel like you can make it more than it is. It is extremely important, and it's a fun position to be in. You obviously want a point for your team, but you want to get that red on there early.

I feel like a couple times today, we could have looked at what they were doing and maybe played to that, but we both just stick to our game in this format. I think that's what's important and what helps us get points as often as we have.

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125030-1-1866 2022-09-23 21:15:00 GMT

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