The Presidents Cup

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Charlotte, North Carolina

Quail Hollow Club

Taylor Pendrith

Quick Quotes

Q. Seemed like the putter was the cold club for you today. How did you feel about the overall play today?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I thought Hideki played really well. I was kind of struggling a little bit most of the day. Had some good shots, but didn't have my best stuff. Speed was a little off. Didn't really see anything go in.

But, yeah, not the best.

Q. Where are you emotionally right now?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I'm disappointed. I thought that pairing that I had, Hideki's playing really well, and I'd been playing very well the first few days. So definitely a little disappointed to not to have my best stuff. I think we could have done some damage, but that's the way it goes.

Q. What do you do now? Regroup for tomorrow, obviously. What do you do now?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Try to get a point tomorrow. Maybe go to the range, hit some balls, and get my head right.

Forget about this day and, yeah, have fun tomorrow and really try hard to get that point.

Q. Taylor, is it bad luck? Is it misreading? Is it just nerves?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: No, I wouldn't say it's nerves. I think the pins, some of the pins today were pretty tricky, and I didn't really have many great looks at birdie. Hitting into 30 feet with putts that break eight to ten feet, it's tough to make those.

But, yeah, and I hit a good putt on the last there and just kind of overread it or maybe hit it a little too firm.

Q. What makes these two guys so hard to beat? They're 4-0 this week. What is it?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: It felt like, I don't know, they just kept making birdies. Hideki hit an unreal shot on 1, and we went 1 up. I don't know how many birdies exactly they had, but it seemed like a lot.

Like I said, I didn't have my best stuff. Hideki kind of held us in there, but that's the way it goes.

Q. Hideki is one of the veteran leaders on this team. How did you feel when you saw you were going to be paired with him this afternoon?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I was excited, super excited. I hadn't played with him before. He played really well this morning, and he's an unreal player, unreal ball striker. I was really excited and thought we'd be a good team.

And, yeah, like I said, just trying to hang in there and help him out, and he was kind of out of position on the last, and I hit a nice shot and a nice putt, and it just wasn't enough.

Q. By any chance, do you speak Japanese or learn something? No?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I don't speak Japanese.

Q. How did you get along?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: He's great. It was awesome, yeah.

Q. Does it almost feel like you can't make a mistake when you're out there?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah. I mean, you're just trying to play your own game really, but obviously you don't want to let your partner down. Just try to focus on your own ball.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
125075-1-1182 2022-09-24 21:09:00 GMT

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