The Presidents Cup

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Charlotte, North Carolina

Quail Hollow Club

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. First American point on this Sunday, and it's the first time you've ever one a singles match, either a Ryder Cup or a Presidents Cup. What was the difference today?

JORDAN SPIETH: I had a great back nine. I hit a really good shot into 11 driving the hole. Hit it in the middle of the green there after winning the 9th and having a nice tie on the 10th. That's where the game shifted was birdieing there. I rallied off three straight birdies on this nine and kept trying to hit greens.

Yeah, it feels really good. I was more nervous than I probably should have been today just because I want to get that monkey off my back. I tied Tommy last year, but I hadn't gotten win yet.

It feels really good. When you go out early as I've done pretty much every team event on a Sunday, they're looking for red on the board, and it feels good to finally provide that.

Q. It was a wonderful moment before you teed off on the 1st tee. You had your wife there, you picked up Sam and showed him off to the crowd. What does it mean to you to have this individual pursuit be a team game?

JORDAN SPIETH: I've always looked at it as a team. Everyone's got their role on my team, even playing PGA TOUR events. Then, you know, when you get to do it collectively with representing your country with some of the best players in the world, I think Max said it really well, you just can't put a price on it. There's really nothing that's more enjoyable.

Still got to get another, what, 4 1/2, 3 1/2. Did as much as I could this week. It was kind of weird not having my partner right next to me, but I'm going to go try to support him right now.

Q. How about having Sammy here, watching?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, yeah. I mean, he's been in -- he hasn't -- it was fun to see him on the 1st tee. Like that was super cool, and, you know, he's finally old enough to just be looking around and taking it all in and being interested in everything.

He loves the ear muffs, luckily, because it's been loud out here and I hope it continues to be that way.

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