The Presidents Cup

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Charlotte, North Carolina

Quail Hollow Club

Tony Finau

Quick Quotes

Q. What kind of grit does it take to win one of these matches?

TONY FINAU: I mean, goodness gracious, I fought as hard as I think I've ever fought in a match. We all know what's on the line here this week. It adds to the extra intensity, I think. I needed every bit of it. I played really nicely. Had to if I was going to beat Taylor yesterday.

Q. Is the emotion drained out of you when you're playing a format like this?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of emotion, a lot of adrenaline, so it kind of balances itself out. But I'm pretty stoked right now. Sometimes just have to get the job done. Today's about winning a point. That's all it is. We're trying to win each session as a team. That was the message. My part today was to get a point, and I fought and made putts when I needed to, and I got the point.

Q. Congratulations. This is your typical match play match. You jump on him early. He comes back, takes the lead. You finish it off here at 17. Great finish, great point for you.

TONY FINAU: Yeah, it was huge. I played really nicely. That was a great match, you know. We didn't really give each other holes with bogeys. You had to make birdies to win the hole, and it was just a hard-fought match. Satisfying to get the point for our team.

Q. One of three wins for you this week. Talk about this experience, what this has meant for you. Just the experience here in Charlotte for your team.

TONY FINAU: Yeah, it's awesome. I don't know where we stand. That's the thing right now. I just know that I needed to get a point today. So, you know, I'm excited to go cheer the guys on. One of the funner parts of the week is when you're allowed to, whether you're sitting or done with your match, you want to go cheer your guys on. I'm looking forward to cheering the guys on and bringing the Cup home.

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125131-1-1866 2022-09-25 21:07:00 GMT

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