Q. So a couple years away from the event, how excited are you to be back after two days in this year?
DON CHEADLE: It's amazing. The courses are great, playing as hard as they have ever played. I talked to somebody here who says he's been caddieing for 17 years, he's never seen it so tough. I was like, Thanks. (Laughing). Thanks, AT&T. (Laughing).
Q. Obviously you're on Monterey yesterday, Spyglass today, tomorrow's Pebble Beach on Saturday. How much are you looking for barred to being back on Pebble tomorrow?
DON CHEADLE: I think it's great. Pebble is one of my favorite golf courses in the world and I think the weather's going to be nice and when the weather's nice at Pebble it doesn't really matter what's going on for me on the golf course, I'm just having a great time. And we have a good foursome, so we're having a ball.
Q. How would you compare kind of the overall vibe between the first two days versus when you get to like Pebble tomorrow with a Saturday the atmosphere?
DON CHEADLE: I think it will be a little crazier tomorrow. It's been nuts a little bit already, but I think tomorrow you're going to see everybody out and the weather's going to be great and it's just going to be a magnet for fans. Which is great, it's good to hear the encouragement and hearing the cheers.
Q. How much do you look forward to this tournament? How big is this week going to your calendar when you know you're coming here?
DON CHEADLE: It's great. I played for several years in a row and then I couldn't make it, I had to work. And actually saw Steve John in Hawaii and he said, you know, come back this year. So it's always fun when you get that call and if you can carve out the time to come up here and do it. And my cousin is my caddie, so it's like family week for us, we have a great time.
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