RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

Brian Harman

Quick Quotes

Q. When we talked last, you were saying you feel like you're hitting the ball well but just not scoring. Last two rounds it seemed like it came together a little bit more.

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, last two rounds were good. Struck it better. I probably could have shot a few shots lower, which was nice. First two days, I probably couldn't have shot any lower than I did. I just scraped it around.

Got a couple weeks off. So I'm going to work really hard and see if I can't come out with a little bit more of what I had the last couple days.

Q. Is there anything that changed with putting or --

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, it's just digging it out of the dirt, man. My caddie and I, we worked really hard the last day and a half, two days, really trying to figure out something that I could play with. Just hasn't been very predictable, and that's what's been frustrating.

But last two days, I had a lot of command. Had a little bit more confidence, probably would have done a little bit better. But pretty happy with it.

Q. Being a local guy, what does the RBC Tournament mean to you?

BRIAN HARMAN: I played when I was 16. Been coming over here since I was in high school to watch. Brad Faxon threw me a ball when I was probably 11.

It's an awesome golf course. It's a great venue, and it's a really special tournament.

Q. I saw on your Instagram from back in the fall this big elk you got. Where was that at?

BRIAN HARMAN: That's southern Colorado. I've been going with some dear friends the last three years and been lucky to harvest three of them. I'm real proud of that. It's part of my leisure. Bow hunting is how I spend my leisure time.

Q. How much did that weigh?

BRIAN HARMAN: That was probably about 850, 900.

Q. Biggest one you ever got?

BRIAN HARMAN: No. All three have been real, real trophies. I'm real proud of the three. It takes us a long time to eat on them. We get about 250, 300 pounds of meat off of them. So it's good eating.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
119681-1-1182 2022-04-17 17:49:00 GMT

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