Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Danny Willett

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

Q. 9-under par today. What was working so well between the both of you today?

DANNY WILLETT: We both played real solid today. Like I said before, we both gave ourselves lots of chances on each hole, which is kind of the key to a pretty stress-free round, apart from the last hole there when tee was a good ways away and I ended up knocking it in the water.

So great two-putt by Tyrrell Hatton to go bogey-free on a day like today. Yeah, just lots of good golf in there today.

Q. How well do your personalities mesh together to make this a true team concept?

TYRRELL HATTON: Well, I have a head off for both of us. I get mad at some of the bad breaks we get, but someone has to do it. I'll take that role.

DANNY WILLETT: And then I'll bring him back round. I'll put my arm around him.

Q. You guys have had decent experience playing foursomes with alternate shot between the both of you. How do you approach tomorrow's round?

TYRRELL HATTON: We played in this event together last year, and I took the odds and plan on doing the same thing again. We finished tied eighth last year, and we made a mess of 18 two out of the four days.

So we did well, and hopefully we can have another good day tomorrow and see where we go over the weekend.

Q. Same thing for you, Danny. What do you look for strategy-wise when it comes to alternate shot?

DANNY WILLETT: I think you just kind of look at where you both would excel really in your parts of the game. Then it's all good and well saying that, you know, we'll take odds, we'll take evens, but if you don't play well on that day, then that kind of all gets messed up.

Last year when we came, T was going to take the odds, which is three out of the four par-3s. His iron play is always really, really good. And I took most of the driving holes.

Then it kind of worked last year, so we said we might as well just do it again this year and kind of see where we get.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
119732-1-1182 2022-04-21 18:17:00 GMT

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