Southeastern Conference Football Championship Game: Alabama vs Georgia

Monday, November 27, 2023

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Georgia Bulldogs

Carson Beck

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Carson, please give us your thoughts on the upcoming SEC Championship game.

CARSON BECK: I'm just looking forward to the opportunity to go out there and compete at a high level. Obviously it was one of our goals to make it to the SEC Championship game, so to be able to do that, very proud of our team at this point, and looking forward to the opportunity.

Q. I don't know whether you saw it live or after your game, but as a quarterback, what went through your mind when you saw the finish from that Alabama-Auburn game from Jalen?

CARSON BECK: Yeah, so I saw that after obviously we had to play Georgia Tech, but I saw it after, and I mean, what a crazy wild ending to a game. I know that's one of the biggest rivalries in all of college football, the Alabama-Auburn game that is, but to see that play, I feel like you see so many crazy plays from the history and past of that game, but watching that, that was definitely crazy and fun to watch.

Q. When you were young, how many times did you throw that play in the backyard with friends?

CARSON BECK: Yeah, it's definitely like a backyard football type of game, back there, kind of throwing it up, especially 4th and goal. Absolutely insane. Just a crazy play.

Q. I wanted to ask about what it's like -- obviously you weren't the starting quarterback for all of this streak, but you've extended it to 29 games. What is it like to be in a streak like that? How conscious of it are you when you're going through a week? How much do you think about it and what an accomplishment it is?

CARSON BECK: It's definitely a great accomplishment, and like you said, I haven't been the starter for all of it, but to be able to continue that and be a part of it is huge for me and obviously everyone else on the team I think feels the same way. I don't think it's something that we think about ever, to be honest. I think we've done a really good job at keeping the main thing the main thing and focusing on each opponent week to week and just trying to go 1-0 as each game presents itself.

Q. You've seen these SEC Championship games from a different perspective. Now you're going to be starting. Could you talk about playing and the magnitude of this game; it's kind of why you come to a school like Georgia and the SEC, isn't it?

CARSON BECK: Yeah, absolutely. Obviously when I made my decision to come here, I knew that at some point when I did have my opportunity that we were going to have the chance to play in big-time games like this on a big-time stage. Obviously super excited and stoked for the opportunity and the challenge that awaits us.

I know the rest of the team is also super excited for the opportunity. Definitely just going to go out there and try to execute and have fun.

Q. I know you've waited your turn before this year to start. Was there a moment or a particular game where you kind of felt comfortable and things started to settle in for you?

CARSON BECK: Yeah, obviously it was definitely a work in progress as the season kind of started, but I'd say that South Carolina game, after that second half kind of where we started to pick up steam, started to become a little bit more comfortable within the offense and with the players around me, and I think our confidence kind of shot up from there.

We've been able to pick up steam as the season has gone along.

Q. The offense around you has just had moving pieces throughout with the injuries. You and Ladd came in together, and he's only been able to play half the games. What has that been like for him? I asked Kirby about it and he admitted how frustrated Ladd is being a competitor. What have those conversations been like with you and Ladd knowing there's been a lot of games he hasn't been healthy enough to play in?

CARSON BECK: Yeah, obviously the chemistry that we have together whenever he is out on the field is really good. Obviously for him to be injured and out, I know he's frustrated as all get-out because he is a competitor and wants to be out there on the field.

Obviously things happen. It's a contact sport; it's football; there's injuries; and he's going to try to get back and healthy as soon as possible.

Q. I wonder if you can reflect on your time as an Alabama commitment, if you remember any interactions you might have had with Nick Saban during that span.

CARSON BECK: Yeah, I mean, that was a long time ago, but obviously a great coach, one of the greatest of all time. Just stern with it, sets a standard. It's a very similar program to Georgia and the things that we believe in, the ideals. But obviously Coach Saban is a great coach, and I have tons of respect for him.

Q. You've played against an ACC opponent on Saturday. The game seemed to be competitive, but I wanted to ask you if you can give me your assessment of playing an ACC team, and the reason I ask is because some people have the foregone conclusion that the ACC is not as strong but you had a chance to see that team up close and personal. Would you give your assessment of an ACC opponent.

CARSON BECK: I mean, we view every opponent the same. We try to just go week to week and kind of have the image of a faceless opponent. It doesn't really matter what conference they're in, what division. None of that really matters at the end of the day. We just go in and try to execute and win each and every week.

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