Oklahoma City Thunder Media Conference

Monday, September 26, 2022

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander

Press Conference

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: I got to play with some guys I grew up with, so that was a good time. And then just kept me in a little bit more basketball shape going into the summer. Obviously games are different, the flow and stuff, so that was good, just for like reps.

And then just representing my country, something that I've always wanted to do, didn't really get a chance to. I'm glad I got to, and I can't wait to do it going forward.

Q. I just want to know what you've learned about yourself on the journey to becoming...(indiscernible).

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: I would say, like you said, everyone has a unique path. I would say you have to do it within your own comfort zone. And guys really follow your lead and really listen to what you have to say. I think that's what I learned for sure.

Q. All off-season, fashion shows, photo shoots, stuff like that, can you talk about how important that is for your personal brand away from basketball?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: Yeah, all the stuff I do with fashion is kind of like my (indiscernible) outside of the game. I step away, it's something I love doing (indiscernible). It kind of gives me another way to express myself.

Q. As a person who's dealt with a few injuries, did you have any words of encouragement for Chet, who's going to be out the rest of the year?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: Yeah, you really can just control what you can control. It's part of the game unfortunately, and all you can do is try to be better afterwards. His mindset and where he's at now, I'm almost certain he'll do so and be a better player after the injury.

Q. J-Dub since being drafted has had some comps to you given the height and versatility as a guard. What have you thought about his game so far?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: Yeah, I love his game. (Indiscernible) plays hard, doesn't force anything, lets the game come to him, plays at his own pace.

He's got what it takes for sure, and I'm really excited to play with him and watch him grow going forward.

Q. Lu got a big contract extension. Obviously you guys have been together for quite a while. How excited are you that he's tied up long-term along with you?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: Yeah, super excited for him. Obviously we all know where he came from, different path, but didn't discourage him, and I think he's earned every penny of that contract.

I only think he'll get better once we start working. He'll be a player that will come into his own.

Q. With the contract coming in the spotlight, your name comes up, (indiscernible). Is that a positive? How do you view that?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: Honestly, I don't pay attention to like the NBA media stuff and what gets tweeted and what circulates around the web. Try to stay focused with what I've got going on, me getting better, the guys that are on the team. Just try and just be a better team next season, a better player next season. (Indiscernible).

Q. Through the off-season there's so much video available. You can break down everything. Do you go into the off-season with a specific plan of areas that I choose that I want to get better, or is it just more of a well-rounded type thing for you?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: I think the base of it is very well rounded. I try to work on a lot of things daily, little things just to make myself a better basketball player.

Like for sure I have a few checkpoints I go into every summer with that I try to get better at. It's usually things that I notice throughout the season that I try to implement and be better for next season.

Q. This is your longest off-season since you've been here. Do you feel it, and how does it feel to get back of some type of normalcy?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: Yeah, the off-season has been super long. Feels like it's been half the year. But I was itching to get back, excited to get back, can't wait for the preseason to start.

Q. I know you don't probably think much about All-Star stuff, but in your opinion how much do you believe team success builds into (indiscernible)?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: I think a lot of it is. I think it should be that way because the point of the game is to win. It matters most that you win. That's what we all play the game to do, is to win games, win championships.

So I think it means a lot, and I think it should mean a lot.

Q. (Indiscernible). How would you like that role to be this year?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: I would say authentic to who I am. I'm not always the loudest guy in the room, the most vocal, but... (indiscernible).

Q. (Indiscernible) two rookies with the exact same name.

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: One is J-Dub and one is J-Will. Leave it at that.

Q. You got that down pretty good? Because that's a challenge for me.

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: Yeah, I usually just call him Dub, and J-Will I call J-Will.

Q. You were talking about the fit with Chet. How do you feel a year into it your fit is with Josh?

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: I love my fit with Josh. He's a guy that obviously pass first, has tremendous vision. Another guy (indiscernible) style made for his position, sees over the defense, can guard multiple positions.

It's easy to play with guys like that that you can slide into so many different positions and can trade off and do so many things.

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