Saturday, June 4, 2022

Linus Lundqvist

Benjamin Pedersen

Matthew Brabham

Press Conference

LINUS LUNDQVIST: We're here to win races, which this is the best way to try to win it. At this stage it's perfect for both me and the team.

We had great qualifying, were able to win the race today. They gave me a good car and, yeah, I tried to stay out of trouble.

But, yeah, it was a good day.

THE MODERATOR: Benjamin, coming in second again, great race for you. You have momentum in the championship. Tell us about your day.

BENJAMIN PEDERSEN: Yeah, good day. It was fun to do the 'push to pass' system. Getting used to that. We're definitely going to look how to optimize that better for the future. Really good points. Happy with that.

Yeah, just looking forward to tomorrow.

THE MODERATOR: Matthew, good to see you back on the podium after your win at St. Pete. Tell us about your day today.

MATTHEW BRABHAM: Yeah, no, it was just a wild race. I wasn't expecting to be on the podium starting from sixth. Everyone was making mistakes. Everyone was going into the fence.

Some mechanical issues, too, with Danial on the last couple laps. Super happy to get third. That's a big salvage of points for me. Couldn't be happier. Obviously disappointed in qualifying. Our car was super fast. We just didn't start in the right spot.

Yeah, big thanks to my team, Andretti Autosport, my sponsors. Obviously it was fun to take a dip in the fountain.

THE MODERATOR: You did go in the fountain. We thought you might not go in because you have to wear the fire suits tomorrow. How was that?


THE MODERATOR: Refreshing?


THE MODERATOR: Speaking of tomorrow, what do you think tomorrow will bring?

LINUS LUNDQVIST: Hopefully an identical race that we had today. But you never know. I think tomorrow will be different because the track evolves so much. I think we ran faster than we did in quallies. I expect tomorrow to be even faster.

We got to tune into that a little bit. Other than that, I think just go flat out, try not to crash.

THE MODERATOR: Benjamin, Matthew, any thoughts about tomorrow?

BENJAMIN PEDERSEN: I had to pass a lot of cars because I had an issue with the drive shaft in qualifying. I had to start at the back.

THE MODERATOR: Just makes it fun, right?


LINUS LUNDQVIST: It wasn't that fun.

BENJAMIN PEDERSEN: But I look forward to tomorrow.


Q. I think I heard on the radio you ran 25 laps. What was the biggest challenge besides these two guys?

LINUS LUNDQVIST: Obviously, the challenge is to keep it off the walls around this place. It is so bumpy. The thing is you have to push so hard to be fast. Even though it might seem we had a bit of a gap, obviously we were managing a bit. But we're still pushing almost as much as you can.

It doesn't take much to lose a little bit of concentration. One mistake and you're in the wall. That was the most difficult challenge for all of us. I think like Matthew said, some people made mistakes. You have to be able to be smart sometimes, too, just to stay on track.


FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121261-1-1004 2022-06-04 17:24:00 GMT

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