Friday, July 12, 2024

Scott McLaughlin

Scott Dixon

Press Conference

(Joined press conference in session.)

Q. Scott Dixon, as you were preparing for this week, did you get any clarification on what happened with your car and the hybrid during the pace laps at Mid-Ohio?

SCOTT DIXON: Yeah, kind of. I think there's a few different -- well, not really a few different scenarios. Yeah, just got into a parameter that it didn't like, and it stopped the engine, which it needed to charge the capacitor, which the last thing you want it to do is turn off the only thing that can charge it, and it did.

I think there will be some things down the road that will change that. Yeah, it was kind of weird. We didn't expect it just for the sheer fact we tested a lot of that stuff in pre-season testing. Even in Milwaukee we had done that. It was a parameter and just did a run away. There was no time to try and fix it.

Q. (No microphone.)

SCOTT DIXON: Some of the settings I think opened to the teams and manufacturers on how you want to do region and deploy. I would say we were maybe slightly different.

Honestly, until it happened, I don't think anybody knew that it was a fault, so... I think it could have happened to a lot of cars. It would have happened to three of my teammates had it been a second different, as well, so...

It's interesting, but yeah.

Q. Scott McLaughlin, did the wind affect you at all in your spin in four?

SCOTT McLAUGHLIN: No. It was just pure driver problem. But, yeah, the wind is stronger than we had when we tested here. No, yeah, it wasn't a major factor today.

Q. Talk about how the track has changed over the years since you've been coming here.

SCOTT DIXON: Yeah, it's definitely changed. From the first few races we had here, you just followed the white line, and it was a pack race. It was kind of chaotic for a short track.

We went through a good period for the last 10 years whether it's multi-lane, high deg, and one of the best short track races that we have had. With the repave, partial repave, that they've done, it's has taken away a lot of race ability that we had. Maybe it's better for other categories.

Yeah, I miss last year's track. I think drivers refer to it as character. It had a lot of character. It had a lot of bumps. It was definitely hard work. Qualifying was very tough. Then obviously you had the use of two, three, four lanes in the race, especially on restarts and things like that.

We'll see. I hope it gets back to that. Whether it's this weekend, it's going to be tough to get that second lane to come in. Yeah, it's definitely evolved over the years.

Q. (No microphone.)

SCOTT McLAUGHLIN: I definitely think it's probably not as useful on an oval as it is on a road course. You still have the ability to use it. We still see a difference when you deploy it in some areas.

I believe people are going to use it in qualifying. People are going to use it in the race. But yeah, it's certainly a lot easier to charge. Probably not a huge difference from a lap time perspective over 30, 40 laps.

It's there if we need it, which is fun to use.

SCOTT DIXON: Same. There's not much difference. I think this is probably the lowest kind of power dependent circuit that we go to throughout the season.

You definitely feel it. It makes some differences. The amount of energy you get to use here is pretty small. But yeah, it will make a difference.

Q. Not much turnaround time between a night race tomorrow night and an early start on Sunday. You guys are racers, so you go out there and do what you need to do to win the race. How well-prepared do the teams have to be to have an extra car ready to go in case the Saturday night car gets in a crash?

SCOTT McLAUGHLIN: It's certainly a tough schedule going from a night race into a late morning one. The teams have been prepared for it for a long time.

Ultimately, you never want to crash. Obviously, if you do, you have a shunt on Saturday. It puts a little bit of pressure on them. Every team on pit lane has some of the best people in the world. I'm sure it's easy to put a car going. You don't want to do it. It's not easy, but it is what it is.

But yeah, the commitment is there, and they're ready to go if need be.

SCOTT DIXON: Yeah, same. Most of the teams are pretty well-equipped now. Whether everybody has a backup car or not, at least there's communal ones between the groups. You just hope it doesn't happen. That's the big thing.

Q. Was there any actual tire deg or is it just the layups? Was there legit tire deg?

SCOTT McLAUGHLIN: There's some tire deg. Not as much as we've seen in the past. I think that's more track specific than tires or whatnot.

Definitely, like Scottie said, I think it sucks a little bit that the repave is not great for us, but it is what it is. Everyone's got the same track to deal with, so see how we go.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you, guys.

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146247-1-1004 2024-07-12 22:26:00 GMT

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